Fatigue and Exercise: A Review of Science and Implementation
Fatigue and Exercise: A Review of Science and Implementation
Why would the body want to inhibit its contractile components and reduce its ability to protect itself? Fatigue is not random and it is not illogical.
How to Optimize Your Biggest Recovery Asset
How to Optimize Your Biggest Recovery Asset
The benefits of improved sleep are just as real as the consequences of deprivation. Follow these simple rules for sleep and watch your recovery—and your progress—skyrocket.
So You Made Weight, Now What?
So You Made Weight, Now What?
You’ve put 8-16 weeks of hard work into your meet prep. Why ruin it 24 hours before the competition?
The Research Meathead: Magnificent Magnesium
The Research Meathead: Magnificent Magnesium
Magnesium is so important, yet often underrated, underused, and misunderstood.

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