Program Guidelines for Young Strength Coaches
Program Guidelines for Young Strength Coaches
Approach programming as you would approach written materials relevant to our field. One doesn’t simply open Supertraining, and begin perusing its contents. Supertraining requires a foundation of knowledge prior to endeavoring to cognize its contents.
Training Terminology
Training Terminology
Trying to understand programming without knowing the terminology is similar to navigating a country without knowing the language: you can do it, but it won’t be easy.
Non-Traditional Microcycles in a Powerlifting Program
Non-Traditional Microcycles in a Powerlifting Program
This basic template gives you five, 14-day microcycles to revamp that old-school program and give you new-age gains.
 Periodization, Part II
Periodization, Part II
Complete recovery after a hard day of training may last more than 48 hours, and training every other day isn’t really an option for elite performance (there are exceptions to this rule).

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