The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
The 10 Commandments of Conditioning
No matter what sport you compete in, you’ll probably agree that conditioning plays a huge factor in how an athlete performs. If athletes aren’t conditioned properly, they’ll never achieve peak performance in their sport.
The Importance of Barefoot Training
The Importance of Barefoot Training
Think about it – the only part of our anatomy to touch the ground when we run or jump – and most of us spend little to no time developing strength, mobility and proprioception in the feet.
The Best of Johnny Anger: Which one is your favorite?
The Best of Johnny Anger: Which one is your favorite?
Just your everyday gym rat that is willing to kill or die for his beliefs.
Johnny Anger: Tear that Hammy
Johnny Anger: Tear that Hammy
Just your run of the mill health club vigilante.
Speed Training's Dirty Secret
Speed Training's Dirty Secret
Time to start paying as much attention to the brakes as we do the engine.
You Snooze, You Win: Wake Up To The Significance of Sleep
You Snooze, You Win: Wake Up To The Significance of Sleep
One of the toughest aspects of fight preparation is weight cutting.
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 4)
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 4)
In this final installment, I asked Martin more about cornering his fighters and the prep before the final walkout.
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 2)
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 2)
In the second segment of this interview, we talk about a coach’s mindset.
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 1)
Exclusive Interview with Martin Rooney (Part 1)
After taking off our shoes, we got started.
Evolution Revolution: My Manifesto
Evolution Revolution: My Manifesto
The future of mankind starts with you.
The Adventures of Johnny Anger
The Adventures of Johnny Anger
Just your average obsessive-compulsive iron warrior.
What If A Deadlifter Were King?
What If A Deadlifter Were King?
Every man in some way is your superior.
Life Isn’t Just about Wins and Losses
Life Isn’t Just about Wins and Losses
Sports, physical training, and coaching have been my life for the last three decades. From the time I started playing soccer when I was five years old until today, many of the life lessons I’ve learned have either been found on the field, in the dojo, or in the gym.
No Pain, No Gain?
No Pain, No Gain?
Over the last decade of training, I’ve had many people throw several different training “myths” out at me. Whether it was “lifting stunts your growth” or “eating too much protein shuts down your kidneys” or “too much strength will hurt your martial arts,” I’ve heard them all. Two myths I hear most often are regarding soreness and training.

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