Pull-up Progression (Part 2: SHWt Edition)
Pull-up Progression (Part 2: SHWt Edition)

You’ve probably read the first part of “Pull-ups” according to “H” and say to yourself, “Sure, that’s fine, but I can’t even do a single rep.” That’s ok. In this part, we’ll address your need(s) in being able to perform that repetition.

How Harry Selkow Trains the Arizona Sundogs
How Harry Selkow Trains the Arizona Sundogs

Good talking to you yesterday. I even tried to keep you on the phone longer since I knew you had to hit the “head” to relieve yourself. I have to tell you, I always walk away refreshed after talking to you. It makes me realize that there ARE other nuts out here with a different view and that’s good stuff.

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