The Stretch Reflex: A Power Generator or Not?
The Stretch Reflex: A Power Generator or Not?

The theory is that when you rapidly descend into the “hole” of the squat, there will be a reflexive contraction of the muscles that primarily extend the knee. This will act as some sort of muscle trampoline and will allow you to reflexively contract your way to a completed rep.

How to Train and Use the Stretch Reflex for Better Performance
How to Train and Use the Stretch Reflex for Better Performance

The stretch reflex plays a vital role in your body’s ability to promote flexibility, increase strength, and develop power.

elitefts™ Pause Bench Press
elitefts™ Pause Bench Press

Mitigate the Stretch Reflex and increase your chest’s time under tension with the “pause” technique while benching.

The Stretch Reflex
The Stretch Reflex

Many people refer to the stretch reflex as the key to explosive training. How it is applied, however, is frequently misunderstood. This article takes an in-depth look at this action and how you can better utilize it in any or all aspects of your training.

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