Jordan Shallow

Dr. Jordan Shallow, DC, is a strength and conditioning coach, powerlifter, and consultant and chiropractor from Windsor, Ontario. He is the founder and president of, former strength and conditioning coach for Stanford University Rugby, and former Chiropractor at Apple World Headquarters. He competes in the 242-pound class in men’s classic raw powerlifting. His best competition lifts are a 749-pound squat, a 441-pound bench press, and a 755-pound deadlift. Dr. Jordan currently travels on behalf of Pre-Script and lectures and consults on principles of applied biomechanics centered around improving sport performance and injury risk management.

Rx'd Radio Episode 216: Violence
Today we will sit with Dr. Jordan Shallow, Canadian Head Coach Killian Hamilton, and the behind-the-scenes tech guru Kyle Lundy. RX’D Radio Team Canada discusses what life was like for Shallow and Lundy growing up in Windsor, Ontario which leads into a conversation around violence and the role it has played in each of their […]
RX Radio Ep.215
Today RX’D Radio welcomes returning guest and old friend, Jordan Moffitt. Jordan is the owner of Bacon and Barbells Co, an athletic apparel company that he founded as a creative outlet and way to support the Powerlifting community he loves.   Shallow, Killian and Moffitt chat roundtable-style today, starting with the founding of Bacon and […]
RX Radio E214: The G.O.A.T
Dr Jordan Shallow and Killian Hamilton start off this episode of RX’D Radio by reliving some of their most interesting and awkward DM interactions. After some entertaining personal stories, the conversation turns to define “the best athlete of all time.” The team runs through the names of their most respected and favored athletes, breaking down […]
Rx'D Radio Ep. 213: The New Studio with Jordan Shallow
Dr Jordan Shallow and Killian Hamilton are back this week to break in the new official studio of RX’D Radio! A very special surprise, we get a sneak peek at the man behind the audio curtain, Kyle Lundy. Jordan and Kyle relive the early years of the podcast and how Kyle joined the Pre-Script™ team. […]
RX'd Radio with elitefts Coach Jordan Shallow EP212
This week we sat down with good friends of RX’D Radio, Dr. Stefi Cohen and Mr. Hayden Bowe who together own Hybrid Performance Method in Miami, Florida. Both Hayden and Stefi are two of the world's top strength athletes, and they use their collective experience and knowledge to educate and revolutionize the strength community.  Kicking […]
LISTEN: RX'd Radio Ep 211 with Jordan Shallow and Fernando Reis
This week on RX’D Radio the boys sat down with the team at Hybrid Performance Method, specifically to speak with Fernando Reis. Fernando hails from Brazil, and is one of the top 5 Olympic Weightlifting athletes in the world, having set multiple world records and competing in both the London 2012 and Rio 2016 Olympic […]
Coach Jordan Shallow: Well Done > Well Said.
elitefts coach and doctor, Jordan Shallow is no slouch when it comes to busting his ass in the gym. So often we find the world of training, fitness, and social media hiding in the weeds of fancy pictures, overly drawn-out captions, and frivolous mantras when it comes to training and "putting in the work" or […]
LISTEN: Elitefts Coach and Columnist Dr. Jordan Shallow on the RX'D...
Today Dr. Jordan Shallow welcomes Matt Vincent to RX’D Radio. Matt Vincent is a 2X Highland Games World Champion, the CEO of HViii Brand Goods, UMSO Podcast host, CEO of Habit Coffee Co, and a full-time adventurer. Shallow and Matt start the discussion off about the value of experience versus education, as well as their […]
Ditch the Dumbbells for Delt Training
Ditch the Dumbbells for Delt Training
I’m not going to say that dumbbell laterals don’t “work,” but at some point, you might want to consider spicing up your delt training with a little variety—ditch the dumbbells and opt for cables.
Science is the New Religion
Science is the New Religion
Here we are 400 years later and we’re still arguing like popes and polymaths.
Down with the Decline?
Down with the Decline?
If you decide to embark on the decline press, for whatever reason, regardless of whether or not the pursuit is to target these particular fibers of the pec, you may want to consider alternate options.
I Wanna Hold It
I Wanna Hold It
Let’s travel back to 1995 at Maryland Athletic Club, where a 29-year-old man named Kirk Karwoski was heading into the gym to hit a 1000-pound squat for two.
Elephants, Ropes and 35lbs Dumbbells
Elephants, Ropes and 35lbs Dumbbells
limited not by their physical weakness, rather tethered, like the elephant, by a weakening of mind and spirit.
Squat Habits for Success
Squat Habits for Success
If you’re attempting to teach a squat and you’re having to constantly cue “knees out” or “chest up,” that lifter isn’t ready for a squat. Period.
When it comes to rowing movements, we have a myriad of bars, handles, grips, and angles that can be synchronized to best apply tension selectively to the muscles of the back.
Low Back Strength? (VIDEO)
Low Back Strength? (VIDEO)
A contentious statement to say the least, but its intent is not to be purposefully polarizing, its intent is to help inform us of better exercises to choose ...
War Within a Breath: Balance and Symmetry
War Within a Breath: Balance and Symmetry
Today, we’re going to go over the functional implications that our sympathetic dominance has on our musculoskeletal system. P.S. I’m really enjoying writing this series!
90/90 No One Cares
90/90 No One Cares
consider implementing fixes that might involve you having the foot on the ground.
" Keep Going, You're Doing Great" - Muscle Bill
" Keep Going, You're Doing Great" - Muscle Bill
William talks about dealing with a genetic cardiovascular disease since childhood, powerlifting, and finding fulfillment in helping other people.
Ditch The Rope- Pullovers Done Right
Ditch The Rope- Pullovers Done Right
Remember, there is no such thing as a bad exercise, an exercise without intent is a bad exercise.
Leg Press vs. Hack Squat
Leg Press vs. Hack Squat
The leg press replicates more of a back squat pattern of knees hips and back, so it should be internally stabilized as such
War Within a Breath: How it Works
War Within a Breath: How it Works
This is a brief introduction to a topic that we’ll chase down the rabbit hole over the series of the next couple of months. To master the breath and breathing can be one of your best assets for improving your training.
Tight Hip Flexors? Listen Up.
Tight Hip Flexors? Listen Up.
The most effective intervention for a tight hip flexor is to further your efforts in resisting forces through all three planes of the lumbar spine.
WATCH: Jordan Shallow Explains How Bicep Curls Can Help with Your Shoulder and Elbow Pain
WATCH: Jordan Shallow Explains How Bicep Curls Can Help with Your Should...
Another way to combat the shoulder and elbow pain present in many powerlifters is by doing bicep curls, and doing them properly. It will help prevent injury when doing your bench press.
Elbows And Squatting - The Missing Link
Elbows And Squatting - The Missing Link
The big takeaway should be that elbow position matters, and we must be mindful of it as a coach in order to maximize technique specific to each lifter we work with.
Bad Ankles And Sore Knees
Bad Ankles And Sore Knees
Sore knees and bad ankle mobility have been the downfall of many great lifters
WATCH: How Tricep Extensions Can Improve Your Bench Press
WATCH: How Tricep Extensions Can Improve Your Bench Press
Elbow pain is a common ailment of powerlifters, particularly when it comes to the bench press. However, an unlikely move can help treat and prevent bench press related elbow pain.
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
WATCH: Reconsider Bands as Your Strength Warm-up
Are you really utilizing your muscles at their maximum strength?
The Stretch Reflex: A Power Generator or Not?
The Stretch Reflex: A Power Generator or Not?
The theory is that when you rapidly descend into the “hole” of the squat, there will be a reflexive contraction of the muscles that primarily extend the knee. This will act as some sort of muscle trampoline and will allow you to reflexively contract your way to a completed rep.
Fear and Goal Setting
Fear and Goal Setting
Our Deepest Fear (as best I can tell in over my decade of working with clients, patients and athletes) is not that we are powerful beyond measure. Our deepest fear seems to be
Deadlift and Accessory Session
Deadlift and Accessory Session
Barn door lats are a key piece of any powerlifters arsenal, and this workout walks you through some fundamental basics in lat training
Dave Tate X RX'D RADIO : The Sage Of Strength Sports
Dave Tate X RX'D RADIO : The Sage Of Strength Sports
On a recent trip to London, I had the distinct privilege to sit down with elitefts frontman, aka "the boss
Deadlift Head Position- My Two Cents
Deadlift Head Position- My Two Cents
the average human head weighs 10-11 lbs and has a great potential for influencing the position of our center of mass.
Training the Lats in Dao
Training the Lats in Dao
Lifters concern themselves with putting tension across the fibers of the lats in the hopes that they’ll grow — without dosing them in the smallest moment of function to help stabilize their trunk and core, minimize the risk of low back pain, and ultimately, promote longevity in lifting.
One Drill For Safe Scapula
One Drill For Safe Scapula
Look, I’m not saying “don’t bench” , I’m saying, minimize and mitigate the risk of injury in the bench by spending some time performing an exercise that integrates full shoulder function.
Joe Sullivan Squat Session
Joe Sullivan Squat Session
But when the bar was loaded it was time to work.
Mountain Dog Push-Pull
Mountain Dog Push-Pull
John made the drive-in and we had our sights set on an old school push-pull session.
Are Bands a Bad Idea for Rotator Cuff Strengthening?
Are Bands a Bad Idea for Rotator Cuff Strengthening?
The proper resistance profile for strengthening external rotation should have less resistance in fully lengthened and fully shortened muscles and more resistance in mid-range lengthed muscles. While bands are great tools, they aren’t so great for strengthening rotator cuffs.
Best Hip Flexor Stretch Of All-Time
Best Hip Flexor Stretch Of All-Time
“Tight” hip flexor is the center of a lot of controversy in the rehab and sports performance space.
Mobility - Know Your Role
Mobility - Know Your Role
Mobility’s role shouldn’t be looked at as a means to prepare to strengthen, but rather, a means in which to prepare to stabilize effectively
The Best Row Ever? [VIDEO]
The Best Row Ever? [VIDEO]
With its broad attachment point on the thoracolumbar fascia, the Lat, is our first line of defense of buffering force into the low back
Too Close For Comfort- Wrist Pain and Bench Pressing
Too Close For Comfort- Wrist Pain and Bench Pressing
More is rarely better. Better is better.
The Injury Equation
The Injury Equation
Whether they know it or not, most therapists and trainers who are following the current injury paradigm are focusing solely on one part of the equation; they are exclusively focused on tissue tolerance, which is essentially a one-dimensional view.
Time Under Tension- A Variant Variable
Time Under Tension- A Variant Variable
Time under tension is a full sale inquisition of correct exercise selection, machine selection, and proper tempo designation.
The Cure For Elbow Pain [VIDEO]
The Cure For Elbow Pain [VIDEO]
The best way, from purely a palliative approach to address bench press related forearm or elbow issue is to be super-compensate into a position of full integrated function.
The Training Triad: Movements, Muscles, Joints
The Training Triad: Movements, Muscles, Joints
This subtle frame-shift can be a game-changer for how we appraise, and rank order the importance of certain exercise selection
Muscle Doc's Big(gest) Three: Core Movements for Strength and Performance
Muscle Doc's Big(gest) Three: Core Movements for Strength and Perfo...
When we talk about the Big Three, we’re usually talking about squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Well, guess what: There are even more bigger and better Big Three movements out there. Find out what they are if you dare…
Program For Pain- The Ultimate "Sticking-Point"
Program For Pain- The Ultimate "Sticking-Point"
Programming often starts with this preconceived notion that there are only two systems at play, only two variables to consider. Volume, and intensity
BIG BACK- BIG TOTAL: Off-Season Training Log
BIG BACK- BIG TOTAL: Off-Season Training Log
Having a basic framework like this is my preferred method of operation when it comes to training.
Stability: How to Progress and Regress.
Stability: How to Progress and Regress.
where “how much you bench “ Is the make of a man, how much you kettlebell bottom under press Just doesn’t carry with it the same... je ne sais quoi.
Range of Motion- Strength vs Size
Range of Motion- Strength vs Size
There is a fundamental difference between a range of motion of a muscle and a range of motion of a joint.
Why You Should Pull the SSB Handles In While Squatting
Why You Should Pull the SSB Handles In While Squatting
The Safety Squat Bar is a great tool to help build strength in the upper back, but if you’re looking to get the full effect out of this bar, you should consider applying this subtle cue in order to load the erector muscles of the spine in their purest function.
GRIP STRENGTH- The Original Biometric
GRIP STRENGTH- The Original Biometric
he good old days, days long before step goals and calorie trackers, sleep apps and “readiness” scores. How did we ever get by in the archaic ages of the early 2000s...
Biometrics and Behaviour Change with Paul Onied [PODCAST]
Biometrics and Behaviour Change with Paul Onied [PODCAST]
Trading in the usual suspects of Verkhoshanaky and Zatsiorsky, for authors like Nietzsche and Freud.
Addition by Subtraction: The Sophisticated Art of Specificity.
Addition by Subtraction: The Sophisticated Art of Specificity.
If you implement just one principle from all of my podcasts, articles, books, and blogs, let it be this one.
The Vicious Cycle - Tightness and Instability
The Vicious Cycle - Tightness and Instability
The current paradigm of “mobility work” has left gym goers, athletes and even therapists chasing their proverbial tail...
The Bulgarian Split Squat: Which Side Should You Load?
The Bulgarian Split Squat: Which Side Should You Load?
There are movements that I think all coaches should have a fundamental understanding in, and it’s hard to think of an exercise more worthy of a deep dive than the Bulgarian Split Squat. Go grab your dumbbell so we can figure out which side to load.
The Injury Equation
The Injury Equation
you can’t out “corrective exercise” bad exercise.
Rear Delt Training: A Missing Dimension?
Rear Delt Training: A Missing Dimension?
Every now and then you’ll come across the crunchy-granola-holistic crowd that questions the motivations in training a muscle in isolation

Items 1 to 59 of 62 total
