New Tattoo Do's and Don'ts for the Powerlifter
New Tattoo Do's and Don'ts for the Powerlifter
Getting a new tattoo doesn’t mean you have to throw the bar down and not step foot in a gym for two months. What it does mean is that you need to ensure you don’t do anything reckless for the first couple of months.
The Sour Project (Episode 1): Ericka, Ericka, Ericka...
The Sour Project (Episode 1): Ericka, Ericka, Ericka...
I have a hard time being a cheerleader for someone who praises half squats and barely-there benches
Tattoos, Training, and the Wisdom of Stu
Tattoos, Training, and the Wisdom of Stu
About a week ago, I went into Lexington to get a new tattoo. I went there with about ten ideas and worked with the artist, Stu, to develop them. After some talking, we decided on one, and Stu drew something up. Now where to put it…

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