Jim Wendler


Jim Wendler is the creator and author of the 5/3/1 Training Program. This program has been used by millions of athletes and lifters of all ages and abilities. Jim played football and graduated from the University of Arizona where he was a three-time letter winner. He went on to squat 1000 pounds in competition and is an accomplished Elite Lifter with a 2,375 pound total. He has coached high school athletes, collegiate athletes, trained general populations, and spoken globally on the topics of strength training, conditioning, fat-loss, performance, and program design. However, his greatest success is his ability to simplify the complexities of strength training into program variations so that anyone can apply them and achieve their goals. He currently works with the London High School Football team in London, Ohio.

If I Were Emperor...
If I Were Emperor...
I tried to offend everyone so no one could get too mad. Let’s get to it. 
What I Learned From Louie Simmons
What I Learned From Louie Simmons
Talk to any strength coach or trainer, and in some way, they have been influenced by Louie Simmons. Here are 7 ways he influenced me.
Train With Wendler: Press and Squat With Video
Squat and Press workout with Video (NSFWF) Squat - final set of 5/3/1 week was done at 495 for 6 reps Press- final set of 5/3/1 week was done at 150 for 10 reps Conditioning - 20 minutes after a workout But who cares about any of that stuff - let's watch the goddamn videos. […]
Train With Wendler: Splice, Scrabble and CG Bench
Bench Training and Bad Movie of the Week Never really know if my shoulder is going to kill me or not. Today it wasn't bad. CG Bench Press - worked up to 335x1 and multiple sets at 225. Kroc Rows - 100x10, 150x22 ------------------ Bad Movie of the Week - This week's pile of hot morning breath is Splice starring […]
Train With Wendler 4/21/13
4/21/2013 10:30:24 AM - Training Training Monday Squat - 3x5, working to the top set of 10 reps Press - 3x5, hit last set for 10 reps. Very happy with the progress so far. Assistance work: Rows/Chins/Dips/Facepulls/RC work Thursday TBDL - 3x5, working set for the top set of 10 reps Bench Press - 3x5, set […]
Train With Wendler: Double Vision Deadlifts
Deadlift/Press Deadlift - hit 500 for 10 reps Press - 140 for 20 Assistance work - lats and rehab Ain't nothing special done in this workout. Then I repeated the deadlift/press workout because I was waiting to squat this week. So I did this a day later. Deadlift - worked up to 470 for 3 reps Press - 145x10 Assistance - […]
Developing your Training Rules with Jim Wendler
Power Cleans - worked up to 225x6 Deadlift - worked up to 455x6 Prowler - a few Now that I'm back on track, I had to relook at my "Training Rules" to make sure that I was doing the things I needed to do. Sure enough, I had faltered on a few things but stayed true to most. […]
Train With Wendler: April 2013
Monday Mobility hurdles x 45 minutes Press - 3x3 workout, push the last set, push TM set for 5 reps Bench Press - 3x5 push last set, all done CG and paused Rows/Chins between all sets, probably 200 reps Tuesday - conditioning/mobility Wednesday - conditioning/mobility Thursday Deadlift - 3x3, push the last set for 10 […]
Train With Wendler: Squat and Bench 4/8/2011
Squat/Bench Squat - did normal 5/3/1 sets (no workup this week) Bench Press - normal sets, last set being 145 for 33 reps Assistance - lats, neck, and rehab Conditioning - Easy LSD Lifting twice a week - smashing paradigms, Jim Wendler
Paleo and Other Diets with Jim Wendler.
On the Paleo and other Diets... from back in 2010.Jim,I hear you are into the Paleo lifestyle. Well, so am I brother from another mother... Tell me bro, what's the best way to stay paleo over a week of eating like this, I mean there has got to be a way to make turkey dinner […]
Jim Wendler's Favorite Accessory Movements
Jim Wendler's Favorite Accessory Movements
Jim Wendler's favorite accessory movements from his article "The Triumverate!"What are your favorite accessory movements? Let us know in the comments!    
Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Extra Workouts for the Off-Season Football Player
Here’s an excellent example of how to place extra workouts in a weekly off-season football training schedule along with what an extra workout accomplishes (or should).
Seminar Squats
Seminar Squats
Do yourself a favor and focus on technique; don’t get too wrapped up in band tension, percents, etc. Get your technique down and worry about the other things later.
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
You’re welcome for the reminder.
Making the Max Effort Easy
Making the Max Effort Easy
There are a ton of questions on how to work up to a 1RM on max effort day. While many lifters don’t use percentages, it certainly makes it easier on coaches and novices on how to pick attempts. Since many people who are new to doing these movements are not familiar with their maxes, use the following to help guide
Max Effort Training for Dynamic Results
Max Effort Training for Dynamic Results
It seems that everyone wants to start racing a Ferrari before they learn how to put the key in the ignition.
A Question of Strength
A Question of Strength
Sixteen questions covering the basics (and often neglected) beginning with bench press templates to dimel deadlifts.
The 14-Day Program: An Interview with John Bott
The 14-Day Program: An Interview with John Bott
What did your training look like before you began this training? Give us a sample week/template that would be fairly typical of what you did.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — Know the Trapdoors of Your Training Program
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
To close his presentation, Wendler discusses exercise selection, indicators of athlete readiness, and the importance of knowing the trapdoors of your training program.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — The High School Football Training Plan
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
In the previous videos, Wendler discussed his general mindset and approach to strength and conditioning for a high school football team. In this segment, he goes into detail about how he has designed the training sessions.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — Taking Over A Failing High School Football Team
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
When Jim took over the training, the team had no identity and had no idea what they were going to be as they entered the 2017 season. What they became was the strongest team on the field every night they played.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presentation — Preparedness of Youth Athletes
WATCH: Jim Wendler's 2018 elitefts Sports Performance Summit Presen...
The starting point with youth athletes today is drastically different than it was 30 years ago. This means the training plan needs to be different too.
My Indicators
My Indicators
My key indicators (as well as yours) take time to know and develop. They also will change over time, so always be on the lookout and always monitor your training.
Upper Back for the Bench
Upper Back for the Bench
So why do you want to build a strong, thick upper back? Isn’t the bench all pecs, shoulders, and triceps?
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Compilation Series
If I can teach a kid to squat correctly, I can teach him anything.
Building the Yoke
Building the Yoke
A big yoke equals instant respect. No one wants to screw with a guy that has a big neck and a thick yoke.
Entertainment at the Arnold: B-I-N-G-O
Entertainment at the Arnold: B-I-N-G-O
If you go to the Arnold every year just because of tradition – we can provide you some entertainment. If this is going to be your first time, this will prepare you for what you will see.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Exercise Selection and Attempting PR's
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Exercise Selection and Attempt...
You want your athletes to get stronger but not in a smokescreen fashion. You have to be strategic about how and when to attempt PRs.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Programming Layout for Youth Athletes
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Programming Layout for Youth A...
The first step to having a good program is following a training outline that balances every need of the athlete.
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Training Standards and Injury Management for Kids
WATCH: Wendler's UGSS Presentation — Training Standards and Injury ...
In this video, the second part of his presentation, Jim goes into detail about both the mental and physical aspects of training kids.
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training Philosophy, and Industry Trends
WATCH: Jim Wendler's UGSS Introduction — Earn the Barbell, Training...
This video is Jim’s full 20-minute introduction to his UGSS presentation.
elitefts Classic: How to Set Up A Program — A New Look at Weak Points
elitefts Classic: How to Set Up A Program — A New Look at Weak Points
I don’t know how many questions we’ve gotten about how to train certain weak points. Of course, almost every question is in regard to a weak muscle group or a certain portion of a lift.
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
elitefts Classic: RIP Dynamic Effort Bench?
The role and reputation of the DE bench press has received nothing but a bad rap. I have to admit that I am partly to blame.
Dave and Jim: The Seminar Years
Dave and Jim: The Seminar Years
When two, fat bloated powerlifters travel the country to do seminars, you’re going to have a few interesting stories to tell.
How to Kick Ass in a One-Car Garage
How to Kick Ass in a One-Car Garage
Move that Ford Escort to the driveway, toss that box of old high school trophies in the trash; it’s time to get serious.
Elitefts Classic: 10 Nuggets of Wisdom
Elitefts Classic: 10 Nuggets of Wisdom
If you want to lose fat and do so by diet and increasing your conditioning, is it no wonder you got weaker?
Elitefts Classic: 52 Most Common 5/3/1 Questions
Elitefts Classic: 52 Most Common 5/3/1 Questions
You’ve read the book, you know the program. Here’s how to perfect it.
Training The Bench Press
Training The Bench Press
The training program explained here is one based on the principles of Westside.
Did you hear the one about the…
Did you hear the one about the…
Did you hear the one about the guy that gets 200lbs out of his bench shirt?
Lee Gerney on Building the Perfect Home Gym
Lee Gerney on Building the Perfect Home Gym
One of the best parts of working for EliteFTS (besides the diet advice from Dave) is helping people create their own home gyms.
EFS Classic: Flexibility/Mobility: An elitefts™ Roundtable Discussion
EFS Classic: Flexibility/Mobility: An elitefts™ Roundtable Discussion
With Jim Wendler, Mark McLaughlin, Bob Youngs, Alwyn Cosgrove, Tom Deebel, Jason Ferruggia, Julia Ladewski, Dave Tate, and Mike Hope.
EFS Classic: Coaching Axioms
EFS Classic: Coaching Axioms
Recently, I was able to observe a high school football team lifting. While the coaches sat in the corner and talked, the athletes proceeded to do their version of a power clean.
Heavy Music for Heavy Lifting
Heavy Music for Heavy Lifting
I’ve been asked approximately a thousand times about what kind of music is good for training and what I would recommend.
Advanced Squat Cycle
Advanced Squat Cycle
I had the opportunity to sit down and talk to Paul Childress recently and talk about how he sets up his squat cycles before a meet.
5 Reasons Why It’s Best To Do Chins, Not Have Chins
5 Reasons Why It’s Best To Do Chins, Not Have Chins
If you can’t do chins, you are either hurt, fat or weak.
5 Ways to Increase Your Press
5 Ways to Increase Your Press
Just like any lift, if you want it to increase you have to make it a priority in your training.
5 Ways to Increase Your Bench Press
5 Ways to Increase Your Bench Press
Gain weight – this is almost impossible to recommend right now.
From Fat Ass to Bad Ass
From Fat Ass to Bad Ass
Let me preempt this before I get the hate mail – I do not consider myself a bad ass.
Five 5/3/1 Questions
Five 5/3/1 Questions
Five questions, three questions, one question.
World of Wendler: Nachos, Beards, Bikes and Training
World of Wendler: Nachos, Beards, Bikes and Training
That’s just f*%&ing retarded since I’m uglier now than I’ve ever been.
Wendler Vision: Friday
Wendler Vision: Friday
This pretty much sums up Jim’s Fridays.
Music From the Metal Snob
Music From the Metal Snob
Jim Wendler’s original never-ending music post.
How Much Do You Bench?
How Much Do You Bench?
You could bench a lot more than that if you used one of these…
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
The Truth About Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is easily the most stressful holiday for people with penises.
How I became a staunch advocate of self-meditation medication
How I became a staunch advocate of self-meditation medication
Alcohol: This is a slippery slope, so you’d better know your limits and your reactions.
The Origin of 5/3/1
The Origin of 5/3/1
In the summer of 2005, I was burned out from competitive powerlifting. I was tired of bench shirts, box squats, bands and being fat.
The Prowler Challenge
The Prowler Challenge
It’s the perfect conditioning device for anyone looking to cut the B.S., start training like a man again and not waste time.
Sick of Your Gym, Part 6; Metro-Sexuals Be Damned!
Sick of Your Gym, Part 6; Metro-Sexuals Be Damned!
As I sit here at my computer, I am battling a certain EliteFTS employee on his desire to become a Metro-sexual. Yes, the current trend of being an androgynous male has invaded the holy ground of the Compound and it is my job, nay my civic and Holy duty, to prevent this at all costs.

Items 1 to 59 of 104 total
