Programming Through Injury: Good, Better, and Best Options
Programming Through Injury: Good, Better, and Best Options
Programming through injury doesn’t need to be nearly as complicated as we make it. It’s not really all that different than programming a regular training block for a movement with a few differences.
How Can I Get Stronger?
How Can I Get Stronger?
Whether you’re healthy or coming back from injury, try incorporating these things to increase force production and longevity.
Training Through Injury: The Edema Press
Training Through Injury: The Edema Press
A broken back doesn’t mean you can’t build your bench. Try this movement to teach better stability through squeezing your glutes and bracing your abs.
Training Through Injury: How To Overcome Disc and Lumbar Issues
Training Through Injury: How To Overcome Disc and Lumbar Issues
A disc injury is not a death sentence. You now need to develop into a smarter lifter who is not only focused on PR’s but also on long term health.

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