3 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Your Staff
3 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring Your Staff
Getting the most out of your athletes starts with bringing on the right coaches.
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
Training with Purpose: Strength Training Considerations for Athletes
The term strength and conditioning usually brings visions of a meathead coach loading plates, spotting athletes, and screaming motivational words.
By the Coach for the Coach: Perceptions
By the Coach for the Coach: Perceptions
How do you let people know that you are good at what you do and get them to believe in you?
Coach G: What Is Your Philosophy?
Coach G: What Is Your Philosophy?
Selling your program to the various sport coaches and administrators is one of the biggest tests you will face as a strength coach.
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 4)
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 4)
I didn’t have any idea that there was such a thing as a strength and conditioning coach.
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 2)
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 2)
If you understand simple physics, anatomy, and biomechanics, you can understand movement better.
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 1)
10,000 Square Feet of Learning Opportunities (Part 1)
There are so many people who say they want to become strength coaches but are unwilling or do not know how to take advantage of all the learning opportunities available to them.
Coach G: Which Way Are You Pulling?
Coach G: Which Way Are You Pulling?
If we keep pulling in opposite directions, we’ll never get anywhere.
Rookie Coaching Vanilla
Rookie Coaching Vanilla
Keep everything vanilla for that first year of coaching.
By the Coach for the Coach: Don't Try to Be a Ten—Be a Five!
By the Coach for the Coach: Don't Try to Be a Ten—Be a Five!
You will know if the athletes respect you when you see them in the grocery store. Do they walk the other way or come up and say hello?
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation (Part 2)
Training with Purpose: Some Thoughts on Adaptation (Part 2)
Training is not a process that should be equated to randomly throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.
Coach G: What Does It Take?
Coach G: What Does It Take?
Be a leader, be loyal, pay attention to detail, have a strong work ethic, and do not be a weight room reptile.
Shifting Paradigm: Strength/Power/Speed
Shifting Paradigm: Strength/Power/Speed
Strength, power, and speed are all interesting concepts on their own, and each has its place in a strength and conditioning program.

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