The Jacked Drifter with Dave Tate and Mark Valenti
The Jacked Drifter with Dave Tate and Mark Valenti
In this collaborative podcast, Zach Gallman and Mark Valenti bring on Dave Tate as a guest. Together, the trio talks about a variety of subjects, including elitefts’ history, Crossfit, the shift from geared to raw powerlifting, and more.
Don't Be a One-Trick Pony
Don't Be a One-Trick Pony
You see it all of the time. That one person in strongman training who posts the same lifting videos on social media every day—oh, look, he’s deadlifting again. Sure, he is an amazing deadlifter, but unfortunately for him, the sport isn’t called “being a good deadlifter.”
Honoring elitefts Members Who Served Our Nation
Honoring elitefts Members Who Served Our Nation
We are honored to have team members who served our nation and this is a post paying homage to them. Check out their stories.
Finding Strength: The Origin Story
Finding Strength: The Origin Story
This is my journey: to help people find strength, like I found strength.
Improving Strongman Performance through 65 Pounds of Weight Loss
Improving Strongman Performance through 65 Pounds of Weight Loss
The dietary principles Gallman learned after a painful injury resulted in a return at the Arnold Amateur Strongman World Championships.
Friday Technique Video: Overhead Press
Friday Technique Video: Overhead Press
Considered by some strength experts as “the fourth lift” in their list of basics. Learn how to do it correctly by one of the top gym authorities.
WATCH: Bench Press Hand–Off
WATCH: Bench Press Hand–Off
It’s not gay to have your crotch over a man’s face if they’re bench pressing. If they’re not bench pressing, it’s another story.

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