The Iron Sport Strength Method (eBook)

elitefts™ sponsored Pro Strongman and Highland Games athlete Steve Pulcinella shows you the routine that he has developed throughout his many years in the iron game.

Author: Steve Pulcinella
Length: 52 pages

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The Iron Sport Strength Method

The Iron Sport Strength Method (eBook)

by Steve Pulcinella

52 pages

elitefts™ sponsored Pro Strongman and Highland Games athlete Steve Pulcinella shows you the routine that he has developed throughout his many years in the iron game. Named after the famed Iron Sport Gym that Steve owns, this routine has been used by many of the outstanding pro strongmen that gym has produced.

Written in Steve's usual humorous style and peppered with personal stories and photos, the Iron Sport Strength Method is a perfect strength builder and plateau buster for any raw lifter.

Not only will you get a simple routine that will catapult your lifts into the land of total domination, but this book also provides:

  • The Fatty Fifty, the painful childhood story of what led Steve to a life of hugeness complete with embarrassing childhood photos.
  • Steve's personal thoughts and philosophies on strength.
  • An easy to follow four-week sample routine.
  • The injury protocols that only true champions use.
  • Many useful assistance exercises that anyone can do, complete with full-color photos.
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