Today was Lily's first geared meet. She and I have been together over a year and have trained together a little longer than that. She got in gear for the first time about 10 months ago and she really adjusted to it well. She wore a Metal single ply squat suit, Metal single ply deadlifter and a Metal single ply bench shirt. Learning the shirt took the most effort, as I think it does for most lifters, but by meet day she had it pretty well figured out.


The meet was at The Fitness Factory in Mansfield Ohio and was put together well. It ran quick and efficiently without rushing the competitors. Lily had a few hiccups on meet day but finished where she wanted totally 900 in the 148 class. She squatted 305, benched 230 and pulled 365. I enjoyed the training cycle with her and am very proud of her performance on meet day! Love you babe!