UGHHH.......I suck at these. Which means I need to do them more and suck less at them. So, there is my plan. Suck less.
Stair master:
3 minutes. That's it. Thought I was going to have a heart attack. I guess I need to add these in more too. These was a really shitty movement morning for me haha
Deficit Deadlifts:
135 x 8. The bar is so much further away pulling conventional and deficit. I miss my sumo
225 x 5
315 x 3
365 x 3
405 x 1
455 x 1 x 2. In the grand scheme of things, these didn't feel to hard. But, with the death rattle I got half way up (it was way worse of the first one) I thought it was a good weight to stop at.
My mobility seems to be a big factor on these. Getting into position was hard. Having a gut was also an issue.
Leg Curl ssw/ Leg extensions:
I find I have pretty good "feel" of my muscles and I can get a pretty good pump from much lighter weights. People look at Shannon and I funny when we do accessory movements together and use the same weight.
3 sets. 10 reps each leg for the leg curls and 15 reps for the leg extensions.
Back extensions:
This movement is were the ability to feel the movement is awesome I can get a sweet glute, low back and hamstring pump without adding weight at all. Doing the movement with a slow tempo helps this a lot
3 sets. 15 reps, 12 reps, 10 reps.
In conclusion, I sucked at half the things I did today. Making them better will be a short term goal for me now.