My shoulders and I are not on the same page right now.
Front squat:
bar x 10. Adding in these front squats are a good warm up for pretty much everything
135 x 5
225 x 3
315 x 1
Bench Press:
Bar x 8 x 2. I'm trying to find a set up spot that doesn't feel like my shoulder is going to blow up.
95 x 5. Still don't have it.
135 x 5. starting to feeling like i'm in the right spot
185 x 3. Able to set it on my lats. Less pain still no control of my right arm
225 x 5. Super shaky but it's 225.
245 x 5 x 5. Did my working sets here. I have to keep my lats tight like someone is handing me 1000lbs to bench. It is very exhausting when you are not use to it. Time to get use to it.
Machine Row ssw/ OH extensions
3 sets of increasing reps. My shoulder was actually feeling better after the time under tension of holding the bar over my head!