I'm so pumped I can hardly type right now.

Not sure that it is a good thing. But my arms are pumped up and I can hardly feel my hands.

Incline Bench

I wanted to work on my volume or lack there of.

bar x 10
95 x 10
135 x 10 x 2
155 x 10
185 x 8 x 8. y far the most volume I have done in any lift in a long time. I need to start building u my work capacity again. It's awful.

Incline Tate press

3 sets of 20. I used light weight and locked out really hard. My triceps we sore after this one.

Rope hammer curl ssw/ Machine chest press

2 sets of 20. This is why my hands are numb. I should have left all the typos in haha.

Great session finished with a long walk with the dog when I got home. That was good for the both of us.