Since my training has been reduced to 3 days a week today ending up being heavy bench day. Dave arranged his schedule to help me and JP came in to help as well. The three of us were talking about the meet I've been pondering and the two of them convinced me to do it. Both made some valid points and I registered.

The goal today was to touch a bench in my Metal Ace bench shirt. My tricep has fully healed but my strength still isn't where it was before the injury but the surgeon did well and it's been getting stronger.


Bench - wore Metal Ace bench shirt

I was just about able to touch 455

495 for a single


barbell rows

185 for 3 sets of 12 reps


cable extensions

70 for 3 sets of 12 reps


shoulder fly machine

130 for 3 sets of 20 reps


Talking with Dave and JP today was good. Also knowing they support me and their assistance is awesome. I'll be competing on December 1st at the IPA Buckeye Brawl at Showtime Strenght and Performance in Newark Ohio.