And a weird thing happened.

I was in the gym super early because Shannon had a client. That gave me some time to actually warm up properly.


I took the time to floss most of my big joints. Ankles, knees, elbows. I wanted to do my shoulders too, but I need a second for that.

Seeing that most people are done before I get to my working sets, I decided to get started early. That way I wouldn't be holding anyone up.


bar x 5 x 2. I really took my time to get these right. Making sure everything is moving well.
135 x 5 x 2
225 x 5 x 2
315 x 5
405 x 5. Added the briefs.
Helped Rocky. Rocky is a former trainer at Shannon's gym. He quit to pursue is MD. Ok I guess. Anyway, he was back into for the weekend and was working up to a 1RM squat. I stopped so he could work in with me and we could work on it. He struggled early on as he was super tight from being in class all the time. I flossed his ankles and boom. Squats were easy!
He ended up crushing 250lbs which is what he came to do. He had a ton more in the tank but called it as he achieved his goal for the day! Congrats Rocky!!
495 x 3
585 x 3 with the suit on loose
675x3. Knees wrapped.

This is where the weird comes into play. I want back to sit down after the set, and I could barely open my eyes. I couldn't stay awake. Not sure if it was blood sugar related, dehydration related (Matt Brass I need one of those fancy bottles!!) or CNS related. I was yawning and sleepy as hell. Everyone (Martin, Brett and Shannon) went through 2 rounds before I was awake enough to go again.

765 x 2. They again felt really easy. I just felt spent!

That is all I had on Saturday! It will (should) be the last squaterday as it is now. Brenda Banning is getting a new training facility built (should be finished this week) and a monolift from EliteFTS sent up this week. I have the SWIS symposium this up coming weekend, then starting  November 22nd it will be all Sunday funday with all the toys!!!