The following details my leg workout from this past Saturday morning at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  This workout was designed by my coach, John Meadows, and I trained alongside my bride today.  Here is the workout…


Seated Leg Curls


I used a unilateral leg curl so the weight listed is per each leg - FYI.


Set 1 x 10 reps with 40lbs

Set 2 x 10 reps with 50lbs

Set 3 x 10 reps with 60lbs

Set 4 x 10 reps with 70lbs

Set 5 x 10 reps with 80lbs

Set 6 x 9 reps with 90lbs


*The key here is to rest-pause every rep on all sets just like last week.  So extend your leg out, pause in the stretched position and then curl the weight.  Remember to hold the contraction for a split second and flex as hard as possible.  Go up in weight until your form is compromised, but do 10 reps instead of last week’s 8.  This is another form of progression without increasing the weight.  I didn’t quite get all my reps on the last set.


Lying Leg Curls


Set 1 x 10 reps with 110lbs -> drop to 70lbs x 10 reps -> drop to 45lbs x 10 reps


*Just one massive drop set for a total of 30 reps to ensure your hamstrings are jacked before moving onto the next exercise..


Reverse Banded Hack Squats


John called for barbell squats here.  As you remember last week I deviated with reverse banded hacks because it’s easier on my lower back.  Today I actually tried a Hammer Strength V Squat, but by the time I worked up to 2 plates/side my spine couldn’t handle the compression.  I ended up jumping back over to the reverse banded hacks, but kept my feet in a little narrower than last week - FYI.


Set 1 x 8 reps with 3 plates/side

Set 2 x 8 reps with 4 plates/side

Set 3 x 8 reps with 4 plates + 25lbs/side

Set 4 x 8 reps with 5 plates/side

Set 5 x 8 reps with 5 plates + 25lbs/side


*The key here is to work your way up in weight until you get to a really tough set of 8.  Focus on controlling the descent.  I was able to increase pounds on my final set by 50 over last week.


Leg Extensions


Set 1 x 8 reps with 130lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 160lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 190lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 220lbs -> drop to 190lbs x 8 reps -> drop to 160lbs x 8 reps -> drop to 130lbs x 8 reps.


*Today we did sets of 8 reps on leg extensions.  Start out a little light and then progress up in weight on each set that follows.  On your 4th and final set do 8 reps and then hold the weight in the contracted position for a 5 second count.  Immediately drop back down through the same weight you used going up doing 8 reps and one 5 second isohold with each drop.  Brutal!


That concluded the leg portion of this workout, but I also did the following…


Hanging Leg Raises


4 sets of 12 reps


*Hold the contraction for a 1 second count at the top on each rep.


Standing Calve Raises


1 set as follows:


10 reps with 165lbs -> 10 second isohold in the contracted position -> 10 reps with 165lbs -> 10 second isohold in the contracted position -> 10 reps with 165lbs -> 10 second isohold in the contracted position


Horizontal Calve Press


1 set as follows:


10 reps with 300lbs -> 10 second isohold in the contracted position -> 10 reps with 300lbs -> 10 second isohold in the contracted position -> 10 reps with 300lbs -> 10 second isohold in the contracted position



That concluded today's workout.


Train hard!
