I'm not really that guy. We all know him, or her... they start doing the events 6 months out, thinking that if they just hammer them as hard as they can for the next 6 months, they'll come in at their best.

Maybe... but probably not. While you think you're perfecting the events, you're neglecting weakness. Don't be that athlete. Be better. Build your base, build your strength, dial in your events. I know I'm 33 weeks out, but the nationals events probably won't even be in my line of sight for at least 16-24 more weeks.

What am I going to do until then? I'll do some strongman events, but mostly, I'll strength my weaknesses. My deadlift sucks right now. My farmers carry is abysmal, and my pressing is less than what it should be.

So, what is my plan for the next 33 weeks? It's pretty simple really.

12 weeks of Hypertrophy work- Build volume, build work capacity, build my conditioning.

12 weeks of strength work- Get stronger than the events, supplement with conditioning, be strong enough to push the last 7-8 weeks.

7-8 weeks of realization- crush the events, build the skill, work on transitions, work on foot speed, tighten up nutrition and every aspect of my training

1-2 weeks of recovery- let it ride.

Do you have a plan? Are you thinking 3 months, 6 months, even a year out? Play the long game. You'll thank yourself later.

Currently, in my hypertrophy phase my days are set up like this (starting next week)

Monday- Front Squat and Hip Hinge Accessory

Tuesday- Strict overhead/Back

Wednesday- Rest

Thursday- Hip Hinge main movement and squat accessory

Today was deadlifts- 405lbs 6x3, Front Squats 315x5, and then Hamstring curls and Bulgarian Splits Squats

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Friday- Rest

Saturday- Light event work, rotating events each week OR Front Squat/Overhead

Lots of squat volume during this hypertrophy phase, but it'll be worth it.