I'm currently training for the 2019 USPA Nationals in Columbus, Ohio. After dropping a couple weight classes, this meet will be second showing at 198 and real return to raw powerlifting after a couple years wearing gear. 

Quick one to wrap up the week before a long weekend away in New Orleans.


Close Grip Incline - 225 x 5 x 3, with a red shoulder saver

Push ups - Bodyweight, 5 x 20

Bird Dog Rows - 70 x 5 x 5 per side

Band Pull Aparts - 4 x 20 with monster mini

Wall Walks - Red Mini

PVC Bench - 40 per side, 3 x 20

New Orleans

Dalenberg New Orleans

This past weekend Chelsea and I met her sister and cousin (and their significant others) in New Orleans for a long weekend trip. I had been to New Orleans twice before, once for work and another time to leave for a cruise. Had never really seen much of the city before. We managed to see a lot in 3 days, really a cool city. Ate a ton of great cajun food too.

Something I wasn't expecting at all was the fact that it was Pride weekend in New Orleans. On Saturday night we found ourselves right at the start of the parade route for Pride.

I'm a pretty open minded guy but this was my first gay pride parade experience and had no idea what to expect. Once things got rolling, I admit, I was pretty overwhelmed with what I saw.

I saw thousands of people dancing, singing and dressed as eccentrically as you would expect for a giant parade in New Orleans. I saw people living unashamedly, authentically and open. I saw people loving each other, embracing perfect strangers; I saw courage, vulnerability and pride.

I saw a hell of a lot more than just a parade that evening.

It certainly wasn't what I thought I would spend my Saturday night doing, but I'm glad I did.

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