Sat, 8 June 19

Events @ ISCF

Today is US Strongman Nationals in Columbus, OH and I am sadly unable to make it this year due to a number of personal factors including money and lack of ability to take time off from work.  Since I was aiming my training goals toward this comp, I figured I might as well at least test out my 13" Axle Deadlift to see how much, if any progress I made from programming my last 4 months of training.  Turns out it was a solid amount.

Suited 13" Axle Deadlift




2x4x350 - Add suit on 2nd set





1x710 - PR, video

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As you can see from the video, this does not look like it is anywhere near my max right now, but it is a 45 lb improvement (1x665 to 1x710) since I first started training in my suit for a 13" axle deadlift.  This is also the most I have ever pulled from this height, at least that I know of (sometimes I don't know the weight of what I'm lifting when it's a car, small building, bleacher full of people, your mom, etc).  Huge thanks to Iron Strong CF co-owner, Dave Marquette, for tightening the hell out of my straps and sending my right nut up into my abdominal cavity.  Totally worth it.

How the hell did I make such an improvement?  I hope that it was due largely to my programming, but here are some factors I know helped:

*I trained almost all deadlifting in my suit on both speed days and heavy days
*I trained almost all deadlifts from 13" to get used to generating force from that starting position
*I trained almost all deadlifts on the axle to get used to having zero whip on the bar and worse grip, even with straps
*I deadlifted every week in some form or another, whether light, heavy, slow, or fast
*I added supplemental and accessory lifts to my training to help with strength in my low back, ass, and hammies
*I listened to my body and adjusted my training as needed once in a while if I was feeling like total doodoo

All of these things came together for a huge increase after 4 months of training from early February through early June.  This is also roughly how I structured my deadlift training for USS nationals last year when I won both the 220 lb class and the open middle weight division national championships and qualified for worlds, so it definitely works for me.

Log C&J (clean once)

complex x 85

complex x 135

complex x 175




1x305 - Technique was getting dangerously fugly so no more today.

Yoke Zercher Carry




80'x545 - This felt good until I had to drop and repick due to a wardrobe malfunction.

BFR Prowler Drags

10 minutes of alternating between 100'xprowler+50 backward drag and 100'xprowler+50 forward drag while wearing blood flow restriction cuffs and my legs felt like they were going to explode
