This week has been great so far.  Monday the squad pulled heavy triples.  We had=Kayla 325x3 (132lb), Chelsea 350x2 (148lb missed third rep), Kristin 365x3 (275lb), Abby 300x3 (148lb), Ashely 300x3 (198lb),  Jim 500x3 (198lb), Aaron 600x3 (198lb), Lauren 245x3 (165lb), Sam 610x2 (259lb missed third), Christine 245x2 (165lb missed third).  Everyone went raw except Sam.  We have more raw lifters than geared.  Most of the lifters are fresh into it with under 1year lifting.  2 of our females are coming off D1 sports and have a good base of strength but not much form.  I had to talk to some of them on the importance of sticking with the plan and not missing reps.  We hit a good amount of assistance work after deadlifts to help improve the lift.  Tues we basically did bodybuilding stuff higher reps short rest.  Just wanted them to get some blood flow.  Was all upper body.  I will tell you writing up the workouts is a small part of training athletes.  The mental part is wayyyyyy more important in my mind.  Each athlete has different needs and issues.  You have to get to know them and work with them mentally as much as physically.