I'm currently training for the 2019 USPA Nationals in Columbus, Ohio. After dropping a couple weight classes, this meet will be second showing at 198 and real return to raw powerlifting after a couple years wearing gear. 

Day 1

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SSB Squats - Triples at 445, 475 and 495. Actually starting to get decent with this bar. I got buried by 495 on the SSB a few weeks ago, and then this was pretty easy. Good sign for what is coming. 

Front Squat - SSB Backwards, 315 x 3 x 6

Seat SSB Good Morning - 155 x 3 x 15. I hate these. I'm finding a lot of value in using GM variations, but this one sucks. A lot. 

Quad Extension -  120 x 3 x 12. 

Kettle Bell Swing - 100 + bands around the waist, 4 x 15. Changed how I set this up a little by wearing a belt and attaching the bands to the belt. Makes this a little more comfortable.

Goblet Squat- 100 x 4 x 15

TKE - Gray band x 4 x 25

Adductor Side Plank - 3 x 20 seconds per side

Day 2

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Bench-  Singles to 415 and then 375 x 3 x 5. Ended up using a 1 board for two of the back down sets. My left pec was a little irritated and the board helped protect it. Went without the board for the final set and that seemed ok. Tough balance here for me, pushing heavy weights but keeping myself properly attached.

Spoto Press - 325 x 3 x 6. Surprisingly, these don't bother my pecs at all. I think since I reverse the weight a little higher it doesn't get down to the range that irritates things.

DB Incline  - 80 x 2 x 20

Chest Supported DB Row - 80 x 3 x 8

Swiss Bar Extension to pins - 115 x 4 x 12

Strict Lying Extensions - 30 x 3 x 15

Chest Supported IYT - 10 x 3 x 15

Good start to the week. Should start to see the volume come down and intensity ramp up in the next couple weeks. Overall I feel pretty good going into it.