For a long time.

Well at least it felt like a long time for me.

Paused squats

I was challenged by Matt Brass to hold my squat for a long time in the hole. I did. Well I thought I did.

Mobility! I actually did some kind of warm up!

Bar x 5
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 5
405 x 1 paused
455 x 1 paused
495 x 1 paused. I was happy and not happy with this. But more happy than not happy.


Drop set of 315 for 10.

The worst part about training after work is the drive to get in there and train. I work late a lot and when you add that onto the training that does not leave a lot of time for family. Even less for Odin as I get home about an hour before he goes to bed. It is a necessary evil for the long term gain. My name job pays much better than my last one. Which I hope will afford us a chance to move to a house from this condo where I can outfit the garage with a place to train of my own.