Quick update on training and long update in life.

Thursday: Incline close grip paused bench press

This was an interesting twist on a movement that has been kicking my ass lately.

Bar x 10
95 x 5
115 x 3
135 x 2
155 x 1
185 x 1
205 x 1
225 x 1. Holding a 3 second pause on this was a super pec pump. I liked it

Tate Press
30 x 20 x 2

Rolling Ext.
30 x 20 x 2

Friday: Banded Deadlifts
I did all of these standing on 2 bench bands

135 x 3 x 2
185 x 3
225 x 2
275 x 2
315 x 1. This felt harder than it should have.
365 x 1. Dog shitting position came back
405 x 1. Form was much better and this rep was better than the last one.

Walking lunges
5 sets of 20

Now for the emotional part

Friday was my last day of work for Recall. I have been working there for about a year and a half. Anyone that knows me, knows that I go all in whenever I do something.

I completely dove into this position. I was a team lead and always wanted to have the best team. Anyone that was on my team knew that. They knew that I had high expectations and that I would also do anything in my power to help them get better at their positions.

I also got know as a hard ass and a dickhole to people not on my team. I knew that people on my team got asked how they could work for such an ass hole. They didn't really know what they were talking about.

It turns out that my leadership style was actually appreciated by most of the people that were on my teams. When I switched teams, people wanted to come with me.

The last day was kind of surreal. I have never left a position where I didn't want to leave. I really like this job. I just got a great opportunity and had to move to grow.

I didn't get a chance to say a speech on my last day, well I did but couldn't get it out because my boy Tyler Bampton gave a little speech that made us both cry. Him more than me. But still, I was rattled haha. I thought that I was going to cry to begin with. I knew if I said what I wanted to say I would end up  balling my eyes out.

So, here is what I wanted to say:

I want to thank Tyler for that great speech. I will miss working with you and talking Jays as much as we could.

I want to thank everyone that worked on the Afternoon shift with me last year.  Allison, Sam, Qian, Connor, Shawn, Brett, Ryan, Wyatt, CoCo and Kane that made that shitty shift tolerable.

Thank you Connor for letting me be your mentor.
Shawn for picking up after me whenever I was away.
Ryan for being a stud at everything that you do.
Brett for getting me back into Pokemon. That is a real thing haha
Sam for dealing with more bullshit from me than anyone else.
Allison for helping out everywhere.
Wyatt for being skinny and listening to Wu Tang Clan.
Kane for being a bro.
CoCo, you know everyone fell in love with you.

Kyle, thanks for helping deal with all the horse shit that we had to deal with at the start.

Dale and Jeremy, thank you for all the opportunities to grow and succeed. And, fail lol.

Josh, we have spent a shit ton of time travelling and learning together (I was learning you were teaching). Good luck and you owe me a burrito.

Best of luck to everyone there!