To hell with fleshy training.

Just kidding, I will be back at it this week. I had a busy week at work and Shannon an I decided to list our condo for sale. Which added to the stress and hecticness.

But, this weekend was about us and our training. We dropped baby Odin off at my parents and headed to Ken and Sheri Whetham's. Check out my post on Shannon's squat to see the proper pronunciation of their last name.

Saturday was bench day for us. My day consisted of benching in my shirt and tricep push downs.

My last time in a shirt was absolute shit. So, it was redemption time in my mind.


bar x 10
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 1
405 x 2. Added my Metal Pro original shirt. Size 56
495 x 1. Smoked it. But not really in control. Weird but have a look;


I brought it down super fast. A little too fast and it was wobbly. Speed coming up was good as it should be with 150 lbs less than I want to hit at the Arnold's haha.

I called it there to finish on a high note and get ready for squatting on Sunday.

I finished the session with some band push downs with a rope through it. I did 2 sets until my triceps felt like they would blow up.

Then we had steaks and potatoes and talked for about 5 hours.

It was awesome!