I guess I should start out by letting you know a little bit about my training. I do and always have ascribed to the 5thSet Methodology. I only train 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 5thSet runs on a 4 session microcycle over the course of 9 days, so every week is different. I have officially started my meet prep. My logs are starting in a really unique place, and i'm excited to share the 5thSet peaking cycle with all of you right off the bat. I'm currently getting ready to compete at the U.S Open in San Diego on April 23.
Disclosure: I am currently trained by Swede Burns and my program is tailored to my needs, in fact the only thing that has really changed over the years is the weights i'm using! He is compensated fully for his services, usually I cook and clean and do things he's too busy for, but don't worry some of these are billable services.
This week was rough. Work was extremely busy, and I've also been apartment searching in my free time. I actually found something I like, and I will be signing a lease this week. The thought of doing the whole adult thing and being on my own is terrifying. I'm 23 and I went straight through undergrad and graduate school without even taking a minute to breathe. I've never really lived alone, unless you want to count the one year I went away to college and had a roommate. Also, I'm kind of trying to figure out how in the world I will even afford to live on my own. I have a lot of changes coming my way that I wasn't necessarily expecting. It's exciting and pretty scary honestly. I apologize for the delay.
Tuesday night I had an awesome deadlift PR, which really helped my mental game and gave me a boost of confidence. I'm happy with that. Finally, I made it to the 80% week of those peaking cycle, and for that I am grateful. Literally everything was aching for bench on Thursday and it was terrible. I have 3 more main training days and 1 deload day before the meet. If you haven't already gathered, I kind of have a lot going on in my life right now.
Learning to do things on my own has been difficult. I have never gone through a cut for a meet by myself, and I'm currently starting the process. It's important to me, to know I can do well on my own, in lifting and in life. I think everyone needs that. Your life is what you make of it. I've spent a lot of time second guessing myself and my capabilities in all facets of my life, which is slowly coming to an end. I'm a smart girl and I have a lot to offer the world in regards to lifting, and even though I'm young, I would say I am wise beyond my years.
I love that I get to share my experiences, good and bad, with all of you. I hope that some of you can relate, and I hope that it shows a light at the end of the tunnel. Life is hard, being an adult with responsibilities is hard, dieting is hard, break ups are hard, training is hard, family dynamics can be hard to navigate, etc. None of this is easy, and the more you have going on, the easier it is to fall off or derail and let everything go. You can choose to dwell on everything, or you can pick yourself up and keep moving. When everything falls apart, keep doing you, things will begin to fall back into place. It may not be how you wanted or what you expected, but everything always works out.
I often have to be reminded of why I'm doing any of this in the first place. It's for me. It's all for me, no one else.
Tuesday Night - Deadlift
Deadlift: 135x2x3, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x1, 365x1, 385x1, 405x1, 420x1, 440x1
Rack Pulls: 395x3x3
Pull Ups: overhand 2x10 & underhand 2x10
- I did a 5thSet of these AMRAP and got 6!
Hammer Curls: 10x20 & 15x20
Thursday Night - 80% Bench
Bench: barx2x8, 65x3, 95x3, 135x3, 155x3, 185x3 & 210x3x1 all paused with commands.
Pause Press (5sec hold): 175x3x3
Side Raise: 10x10 & 15x10
Rear Raise: 10x12 & 15x12