Gosh I just love being able to train in different gyms.  Don't get me wrong, I love the gym I'm currently at 2 out of my 3 training days.  However,  I just love feeling out new places and switching it up on the weekends, it's like a breath of fresh air.  I primarily go to a gym in West Virginia (Pro Performance) on Saturdays.  They have good bars, a mono, competition benches, ya know, the stuff I kinda have to have.  Plus the gym just has a really good feel.  Of course there are gym bros, they're everywhere.  I'm thankful they tend to leave me alone.  I've never had that problem... gym bros, guess I'm not that approachable.  Whatever.  This was my speed day and I was quite impressed to be honest.

Wide Grip: 145x25 & 145x24 ALMOST, ugh

Rolling Triceps: 30x3x15

Rear Delt Pull Aparts: some thickish green band I found hehe 3x30

Cable Extentions: 30x4x20