How long does it take someone to become content with what they've achieved? Is it ever possible?
I've been training for powerlifting for over a decade. For all of my adult life. I've still not achieved what i want, or likely ever will. I will continue, and won't ever stop until i die. I know many other people that fit this mould, and I'm honored to be among some of them.
However, we aren't all the same. I've gotten "live learn and pass on" embedded into my body for the rest of my life. I know people thst live these words without ever having to speak them. And i know individuals from every walk of life that struggle to apply them.
We all start at square one. No matter how good you are now. No matter how much i squat. I wouldn't be the man i am, without the help I've received along the way. I try not to forget this.
There are moments i want to be left alone. When i want to just train and not speak to anyone. When i want to kill my social media and just worry about my life. But then i remember how Chris Duffin reached out to me after my first competition after meeting him at a seminar. I remember how my father dropped his life and his ambitions to make me a good man. I remember the sacrifices that were made for ME. And i think how such a small thing made such a huge difference for me, and i think about how i need to do that for the people that respect me enough to ASK me. The fact thst someone could place trust in me like that, simply demands that as a self respecting person, i am obligated to answer them and help them.
We are the change. We are the better. I can't let myself forget that, and i can't let you forget it. I hate the fact that we as. humans view ourselves as better than others. That may be true in that moment, but with the proper nurturing, clients friends and whomever may rocket past us in the future. As a coach that's invigorating. We plant the seeds for the future.
The only way we can be solidified in the universe is by passing on what we gave to the future. Records go away, weights get forgotten, but relationships and personal impact stay for lifetimes. And in turn, lifetimes after that.
That is my own mission statement. No company, no organization, no sport, just myself. Make things better. Make you better. Be better. Earn your place at the table and die trying if need be to pull others to their place with you.