I guess I should start out by letting you know a little bit about my training. I do and always have ascribed to the 5thSet Methodology. I only train 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. 5thSet runs on a 4 session microcycle over the course of 9 days, so every week is different. I have officially started my meet prep. My logs are starting in a really unique place, and I'm excited to share the 5thSet peaking cycle with all of you right off the bat. I'm currently getting ready to compete at the U.S Open in San Diego on April 23.

Disclosure: I am currently trained by Swede Burns and my program is tailored to my needs, in fact the only thing that has really changed over the years is the weights I'm using! He is compensated fully for his services, usually I cook and clean and do things he's too busy for, but don't worry some of these are billable services.

Busy busy busy. I basically just go into autopilot the last 2 weeks before a meet, I apologize.  Saturday night I had 80% squats. I was super pleased with these, because my 90% resulted in a giant fail and I was feeling some type of way about it.  During the 80% week I stick strictly to 80% for my main lifts and all other exercises are dialed back a bit.  Unlike the 90% week, I do the main movements for 3 singles, as opposed to just one single.

I'm almost there.

Saturday: 80% Squats

Squat: barx2x8, 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 295x1, 325x3 (w/wraps)

Split Squat: 4x13

Rows: 115x12 & 175x12

Shrugs: 175x12 & 205x12

Reverse Hyper: 185x3x15

Tuesday: 2nd Pressing Day

Wide Grip Bench: barx2x15, 65x15, 95x15, 125x2x25 (this was dialed back from 140)

Rolling Triceps: 20x3x15

Swede Burns Pull Aparts: Pro mini band long x 3 x 30

Cable Extentions: 27.5x4x25

Thursday: 80% Deadlifts

Deadlift: 135x2x3, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x1, 350x3x1

Rack Pulls: 365x3x3 - off of one mat

Pull ups: Overhand 3x10 & Underhand 2x10 - YAY, I got 10 on my AMRAP 5th set w/ overhand! (I think this means I have to do weighted ones now)

Hammer Curls: 10x20 & 15x20

* During the 80's week my accessory work is dialed back just a bit.  Not anything too crazy, but definitely winding down the closer I get to the meet.  The only thing left to do is deload on Sunday.  I made it!