I took last week off from training to just recollect and figure some things out.  I was going to take off Saturday from training too, but then it worked out that I got to train anyway, which made me super happy.  I trained at a commercial-ish gym for the first time ever, and honestly it wasn't really that bad.  Definitely not a place I would want to train long term, but it worked out for deadlift day.

So, Saturday was deadlifts and I was satisfied with how everything turned out, even training somewhere new wasn't totally horrible.  Tonight I trained bench.  It was a while since I had benched, so I decided to just re-do my 205 bench day.  I got one less rep, but it's going to take a little bit to get used to a different bench.  Either way, I'm still figuring things out and just taking it one day at a time.

I am committed to doing BOB3 in August at 165.  This will happen, regardless of whatever crap I'm going through in my personal life.  Training cannot suffer, not now.  I started up my "diet" today too.  It's so funny because I don't even think of it as some kind of diet anymore.  I'm just paying a little more attention to what I put into my body...I might've had icecream like every day for a week, but we won't go there.  Anyway, my weight is still awesome, but I've decided it is probably best I get as close to 170 as possible for this meet.  I'm not sure i'll be mentally prepared for a water cut, for a lot of different reasons.  SO, I have less than 10 pounds to lose, and 3 months to do it, and no starving will take place.  It's taken a while for me to find this middle ground, but I'm so happy with where I am at, I can't sacrifice that for anything...especially not a weight class.

and the goods...

Deadlift: 135x2x3, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x5x3
Rack Pulls: 375x3x3
Pull Ups: 10/10/5/5/5/5 (everything was so tight, it was impossible!)
Hammer Curls: 10x20 & 15x20

Bench: barx2x8, 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 205x4x3, 205x11
Pause Press: 165x3x5 (5 second pauses)
Side Raise: 10x10 & 15x10
Rear Raise: 10x12 & 15x12