Anika Harper - 37 Years Old
198 Weight Class - Women's Sub Master - Full Power Raw
Actual weigh in body weight - 190 pounds!

3 shoulder surgeries has not stopped this woman from focusing on what she wants to accomplish. Its been a tough rode back each and everytime but rehab went great this go round and my girl seems to be back on track!

Anika drives here to train with us 3 to 4 times a week. She leaves in another town and county but makes the drive after work and brings her younger son with her on most training days too.

Being a single mother with two sons, working two jobs, having multiple shoulder surgeries and making a drive to another town to train 3 to 4 times a week would give most people even more reason not to train but not Anika. She holds herself accountable and wants to set an example to her kids. She is leading by example.

I am so proud of you girl. I been telling you for a long time: I cant wait to see what happens when you get serious! Well I am slowly seeing it. We are proud of you Anika. You had your best meet to date last weekend and I am excited to see what you do next!

Here is what Anika accomplished:
8 for 9 on attempts
Competed in her 4th powerlifting meet
Squatted a Lifetime PR of 358.2 pounds
Benched a Lifetime PR of 115.7 pounds
Deadlifted a Lifetime PR of 363.8 pounds
Totaled a Lifetime PR of 837.7 pounds
4 new Weight Class PR's
Set 3 new NC SPF State Records
1st place - 198 Wt Class - Sub Master - Raw Full Power






