Wasnt feeling great so did the echo bike for 5min then stretched.


TKE x 10 each leg

Pistol Box Squat 5reps

AbCore 15reps

Stretch. Still not feeling the best. Ready to feel normal soon.


TTF upper body warm up

Hammer Strength Press 4x5 reps

DB curls 10lbs 4x5

Sit ups. Attempted to do sit ups. Felt terrible from the metal rod in my sternum.


Walked on the turf for 5min then stretched.


Neck machine 12 reps

BW Lunge Walk. 10 reps. Had to assist standing up with the straps.


For some of our clients we wrapped up week 2 on the 4 week hypertrophy block. Reps were all at 10 reps and 5sets with 30sec rest periods.

For the powerlifters they are starting to ramp up with some heavy banded squats, Floor Presses, rack pulls (opp stance) and speed bench.