Thurs, 16 Aug 18

Upper Assistance @ HB

I'm sore everywhere in my body except for my abs, mid back, and upper traps and I love it.  I am making lots of extra sound effects with things like sitting down, standing up, and bending over.  I don't know if it was the low hanging fluorescent lights, my general total body soreness, or the onset of the hanger, but I did not feel like training today.  As such, I just did a little bit, which was also all I had time for due to my patient schedule.

Paused DB Seal Rows/Incline DB Bench





Rows started out rough, but got better.  Incline DBB felt like my boobies were ripping off every time I lowered the weights.  Good times.

Seal Reverse Flys/DB Curls



After this I stretched out for about 20 minutes before switching back to work mode.  Tomorrow is a rest/recovery day and Saturday I am heading down to train with THE Kevin Dickhut!