I am looking for my first batch of online clients to take on this year. I would like to prep you for a 12 week training cycle building towards a competition. I have waited to branch out into online training because I wanted to make sure my training program was polished and I knew it in and out. I will use the same training program that I have used for the last 5 years to help you achieve your goals.

-You must have access to bands or chains. Both would be a huge plus
-You must be able to train 4 days a week at the least
-Specialty bars are not required but they will help
-My secondary lift is usually as hard if not harder than the primary lift
-It makes no difference if you are raw or geared
-I prefer that you use this twelve weeks to ramp towards a meet

*I cannot promise I can email you multiple times a day but I promise you at least once a day.

If you are interested to take this further please contact me at marshalljohnson@yahoo.com
I am confident this will go very well and I can take on more than five people the second time around