Aug 28th

TTF Lower warm up

Safety Bar Box Squats 5x4. 65LB Bar, 155, 225, 275, 325, 375lbs (Same as last time, still pulled hammy)

LUNGE WALK.  3x5. BW, 10’s, 25’s

Heavy Ab Pulldowns. 3x5. 12/17/20

Aug 29th


ECHO Bike 6min. 1:60 of a mile

DB mil 4x12. 35/45/55/65 

DB low row 4x5. 60/80/100/120lbs

Aug 30th

Treadmill 6min. 3:6mph for 5:30 then 30sec at 4:6mph. Very tough.

Neck 1x15 95lbs

Hammer Calf Machine. 4x12 115lbs

Aug 31st


Deadlift (sumo 1mat) worked up to 500x2

Single Leg curls. 3x5.  1/2/3 plates

Sept 1st

TTF upper warm up

Decline Bench worked up to 385lbs x 4

Hex Bar Shrugs worked up to 285lbs x 5 for 2 sets

Sept 2nd

Treadmill 6min. 3:5mph for 5:30 then 4:6mph for 30sec

Neck 1x15 95lbs

Crunch Machine 4x15 w/20lbs

For my clients and athletes we Deloaded. Was a decent amount of work but had everyone take an extra day or 2 off as we start a 3 week wave into testing.