August has arrived and this year is going by very quickly for me. Recovery from my surgery last fall has gone well and I feel good overall. I still maintain my goal of a winter meet but need to find something to plan for soon to make that happen.

Decided to carry the yoke today because it helps my stability on the squat and I haven't done it in a few weeks.

Super Yoke carries - 40 feet each trip

empty yoke (310 pounds) 2 trips

400 for 2 trips

490 for 2 trips

580 for 2 trips


squats - raw and walked out

315 for 3 sets of 10 reps


dimel deads

135 for 3 sets of 20


reverse hyper

180 for 3 sets of 15 reps


Handled the yoke well today and feel good. I wanted to go up a little on it but it was raining and I just didn't feel like dealing with that any more.