Wed, 31 May 17
Block 12, Wave 2 - DL
DB 3E Jumps
5xBW to 6"
3x30 to 7.5"
3x30 to 9"
3x30 to 10.5"
3x30 to 12"
Probably should have done an extra w/up set with either 30s at a lower height or BW at a higher height. Oh well, I think that about maxes out the height I can get to with 30 lb DBs without pulling my knees up for now. I'll repeat it once or twice more to see if I can squeeze any more improvements out before finishing up this training block.
Axle DL
Video is of last week's top set of squats at 430 with total shite technique (which I didn't realize until I watched the video) and this week's top set of tugs, which I was happy with since switching to the axle.
Banded SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
8x65 + avgs
3x155 + avgs
6x3x245 + avgs
My right knee was grumbling at me during this for some idiotic reason, but it felt better when I closed down my stance width on the later sets.
Band Assisted GHR/SS Yoke Bar Calf Raise
15xBW - micro/20x285
2{15xBW - micro/20x305}
Incline Reverse Crunches
5xBW - Everything on the left side of my abs cramped up and I tried again after it relaxed and it came right back so I stopped.