The following details my primary back and biceps workout from this past Wednesday night at Kirkland Gold’s Gym.  John Meadows designed the workout and I trained alongside Christina.  Here is the workout…


Low Cable Rows


Set 1 x 10 reps with 120lbs (warm-up)

Set 2 x 10 reps with 140lbs (warm-up)

Set 3 x 10 reps with 160lbs (warm-up)

Set 4 x 10 reps with 180lbs

Set 5 x 10 reps with 180lbs

Set 6 x 10 reps with 180lbs

Set 7 x 10 reps with 180lbs


*I attached a couple D handles to carabiners to ensure I didn’t overstretch at the bottom, but also so I could force my elbows back further for a better contraction.  Do the same if you are able.  This meant I didn’t go as heavy as normal to ensure I really got my elbows back and held the contraction for a split second.  Work the muscle vs simply moving the weight.


Here is a video:




Pulldowns to the Front


This is the ideal bar for this exercise:  Try to mimic something similar if your gym does have one.


Set 1 x 10 reps with 140lbs (wide grip)

Set 2 x 10 reps with 140lbs (wide grip)

Set 3 x 10 reps with 150lbs (medium grip)

Set 4 x 10 reps with 150lbs (medium grip)

Set 5 x 10 reps with 160lbs (narrow grip)

Set 6 x 10 reps with 160lbs (narrow grip)


*The key here is finding a neutral grip attachment and start out wide working your way to narrow while increasing the weight.


Dumbbell Pullovers


Set 1 x 10 reps with 70lbs

Set 2 x 10 reps with 70lbs

Set 3 x 10 reps with 70lbs

Set 4 x 10 reps with 70lbs


*Use the standard form here lying on the bench vs across it and don’t bring the dumbbell all the way up so you lose tension on the lats and engage the pecs.


Dumbbell Rows


Set 1 x 8 reps with 130lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 130lbs

Set 3 x 3 reps with 150lbs -> drop to 130lbs x 3 reps -> drop to 110lbs x 3 reps


*The key here is to keep grinding with as heavy a weight as you can handle without getting sloppy.  Perform 2 sets of 8 reps and then on your third set do 3 reps with more weight and then do a double drop with 3 reps on each drop.


Superset: Horizontal Hammer Shrugs & Banded Good Mornings


The picture shows the set-up on the Hammer machine.  I love it because I can center the weight and not have to pull it off of a rack.  It’s very lower back friendly.  I used this band for the Good Mornings:


Round 1

Hammer Shrugs x 15 reps (2 second pauses) with 3 plates/side

Immediately followed by…

Banded Good Mornings x 15 reps with Pro Mini Resistance Band


Round 2

Hammer Shrugs x 12 reps (2 second pauses) with 4 plates/side

Immediately followed by…

Banded Good Mornings x 15 reps with Pro Mini Resistance Band


*The key on the shrugs is to hold the contraction at the top for a 2 second count.  Just two rounds here today as this was not in John’s program – FYI.


Hammer Curls


Set 1 x 8 reps with 30lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 30lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 30lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 30lbs -> drop to 25lbs x 8 reps -> drop to 20lbs x 8 reps


*The key on this exercise to perform a 1 second hold in the contracted position and then a 3 second eccentric (negative).  Do both arms at the same time and only bring the dumbbells up until your elbows are at 90 degrees.  Your 4th set should be a double drop, but on each drop you can simply maintain a continuous tempo for the 8 reps.


Barbell Curls


Set 1 x 8 reps with 60lbs

Set 2 x 8 reps with 60lbs

Set 3 x 8 reps with 60lbs

Set 4 x 8 reps with 60lbs -> drop to 50lbs x 8 reps -> drop to 40lbs x 8 reps


*Curl and hold the contraction for a split second on each rep doing sets of 8.  Finish with a drop set.  I also stretched my biceps between each set.


That concluded this primary back and biceps workout.


Train hard!
