Background: I work at OSU as a graduate teaching associate and lift at Ludus Magnus. I am a raw lifter who competes in the 105lb weight classes, and am currently prepping for my next meet (when grad school finally gives me a weekend off) . Currently, I am in the process of trying to accomplish my lofty lifting goals,survive graduate school, and teach undergraduates about what I really love, TRAINING..

Deload Week 4: Back Day at the Mecca (Thursday)


On Thursday I got into LA at 8am. I had come in for a few days so I could see my mom for Mother's Day. Later that day I decided to take it back to the old times and trained back at Gold's with my ex.


1. Lat pull down
5 x 10-15 reps

2. Chest supported row
4 x 8-10 reps

3. T-bar row
3 x 12-15

4. Forearms
5 x failure
** I'm sure you might be scratching your head thinking, "that is not like a Jenn Program at all". It's not, don't worry. We did his bodybuilding stuff, not my triphasic-powerlifting (that I love oh so much).  Overall, it was a good training session (minus some awkward interruptions of people asking why we were training together and how we came to be friends again).  The next day though, my forearms were toasted. I might need to consider adding forearm training back into my programming.

Deload Week 4: DE lower at the Mecca (Friday)


Warm up
1a.Squat to stand x 5
1b. BW squat x 5
1c. Lateral squat x 5e
1d. Front lunge x 5e
1e. Back lunge x 5e

2. Contrast speed eccentrics
9 x 2 + 1 reps
1 set:
2 reps with 5 count eccentric
1rep 50lbs heavier no eccentric
(3 set x 135:185, 3 sets x 144:195, 3 sets 155:195)

3. Barbell lunge
3 x 4 each
5 count eccentric ; fast up

4. Deadlift deficit ab death
X 5 sets up to 175
1 set: standing on 2 45 bumpers
Pull two reps a half an inch off floor using abs (brace them) then do 1 rep with a pause at knee and then one full speed rep. It is an awesome/awful exercise!

5.Captains chair weighted
3 x 15

Social Media

While home, I was educated to how powerful social media in the fitness industry is. Two guys were talking about how they were able to support themselves entirely off of their social media businesses and popularity. They were also talking about how, for the small price of training to do things that gets them lots of "likes", they were able to spend the rest of the day doing things they really enjoyed (like sleeping, eating, and lifting again).  I guess it wasn't until that moment that I realized how powerful self marketing with social media is. While I would hate to have to alter my training for others, I think it is pretty fascinating that you can make an entire living off of social media lifting and marketing.  Talk about making perception a reality.