Fri, 18 May 18

WL/Assistance Work

I was a little worried about my shoulder after last weekend, but it has been feeling solid since my training on Monday so I figured I would give my scheduled training plan a shot to see how things felt.  The main question mark for me was if I should do the light power snatches, but everything went well.

Seated Box Jumps

5xBW to 24"

3xBW to 30"

3xBW to 37.5"

2x3xBW to 41.5"

Hang Power Snatches

bar warmups

4x20 kg

4x40 kg

4x50 kg

4x60 kg

I just took it easy working up today to test out my shoulder so now I have a more firm plan in place for the rest of the block.

Neutral Fat Grip Lat Pulldowns/Single Arm Shoulder Extensions

10x120/10ea x 12

2x{10x132/10ea x 24}

I worked on scap depression with the pulldowns and used a 4 count negative.  Compound setting this with shoulder extension lit my lats en fuego!

DB Curls/Triceps Pushdowns/GHR Back Extensions

10ea x 50/10x72/15xBW

10ea x 55/10x84/15x10

8ea x 60/10x96/15x10

Glad to see my S.O.P. of rarely doing direct biceps work has my curling as much as ever.  I'll keep the direct work in for now though because I do like it for injury prevention.

Tabata Airbike

This was death.