
  • 145 x 15
  • 195 x 5
  • 235 x 5
  • 285 x 3
  • 325 x 3 x 3
  • 255 x 18

Machine Press

  • 125 x 20 x 3

Pin Press

  • 225 x 10 x 3

Machine Row

  • 80 x 20 x 3

First day back benching since the XPC and I regretted it the day after. So friggin' sore that it felt like I was starting from day 1. I also remembered why I stopped doing pin presses to begin with. My elbows and right shoulder were in enough pain that I had to take a narcotic to get to sleep. I know it's "only" 225, but that was enough to do a number on me. Gotta find something else to do...