Mon, 8 Jan 18

Speed Upper

Chain Axle Bench (1 set of chains)








The video is my first set with 160 compared to my 7th set with 160.  Rest breaks were 30-45 seconds.  Pretty happy with the consistency.

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DB Rows/Triceps Rollbacks with Banded Wrists (tripled micro mini)

10ea x 75/15x20

15ea x 120/12x30

15ea x 120/10x25

15ea x 125/12x15

I severely underestimated the extra fatigue that would occur in my triceps with increased shoulder activation due to the band around my wrists.  This was another one from teammate Nate Harvey's elitefts daily movement series.  My plan was for 3 sets of 15, but as you can see that strongly didn't happen, even when I dropped down on weight.  I even got rid of the band to see if it would make it easier after I failed on the 2nd work set and I was still using a ton of body English to toss the weights back up to lockout.

Wtd Dips/DB Curls

15xBW/15ea x 45

15x25/15ea x 45

14x25/12ea x 45

Dips were much harder today doing them after the rollbacks.  This is not surprising, but I didn't take in into account when I did my "warmup" set with body weight, which ended up being difficult enough to be my first work set.