"I need strong pecs/shoulders/triceps for my bench, right???"

Yeah, you obviously do, but in the beginning portions of a program, one of the best things you can do is focus on making your back as big and strong as possible! This is your upper body stabilization center and ANYONE who benches a considerable amount of weight will preach the same thing, "Big backs equal big bench presses!"

joe back

A. Neutral/Close Grip Lat Pulldown








Perform reps of x12 at an RPE9 and keep going at that same RPE until you have to drop reps to 8s! THAT was FUN! Remember me ranting and raving about work capacity before??



B1. Chest Supported Row

3 plates x12

3 plates x12

3 plates x12

3 plates x12

B2. Chest Supported Scapular Retraction

2 plates x12

2 plates x12

2 plates x12

2 plates x12

B3. Rear Delt Flys

25s x12

25s x12

25s x12

25s x12

A note on this tri set: notice that back work is incorporated with shoulder health work very effectively. A great way to progress in bench is to simply avoid injury, and be able to complete the movement without pain. Simply, another huge reason to train your back religiously.


C. Barbell Shrugs





Nice little pump going on after this one! Thus concludes my work capacity block, onto the hypertrophy phase next week!