Sat, 16 Apr 16
I felt like complete garbage today. And not just in training, I woke up feeling wretched. Once again, while I wish I could just move ahead into my next training block, I feel that I need my optional deload next week. I started off with tugging today, which I might have blamed for making everything else feel miserable, but the reality is that tugs felt awful too and I couldn't really say they made anything worse.
Suited 13" DL
3x535 - Added suit
3x650 - I was planning on a set of 5 here, but alarm bells were ringing so 3 was enough.
8x550 - Dropped down to hit a rep set to make up for my lack of production on the heavy set.
Log C&J (clean each rep)
complex x 85
complex x 135
complex x 175
2x280 - Again, my plan went to poop thanks to many types of physical indicators to stop, so I dropped down for some reps.
6x240 - So much for reps; this might be the worst this weight has ever felt in my life.
Chain Zercher Carries
50' x 230
50' x 320
50' x 410
50' x 500
Prowler Hi/Lo
6x{50' x prowler + 140 high handles/50' x prowler + 140 low handles} - Two man rotation.