Sat, 2 Jul 16
RIP long streak of not missing any training days. Midterms have started and my life is now a sucknado of studying. I had to forgo my assistance day this week. I even went oujt to the garage at one point to try to get a little work in, but felt guilty because I knew I was not prepared in terms of studying for my first midterm so rather than suffer on multiple fronts, I chose to only suffer on one and do my best to rock academia. Accordingly, training today was meh.
Chain Yoke Press
5x165 - Discovered I needed wrist wraps on this so I stopped the set short.
10x165 - Much better.
Yoke Walk/Duck Walk Medley
50'x720/50'x365 - Pretty happy with this run, even though my yoke was slow and awful (I think).
Prowler Suicides
3x{30'/40'/50' x prowler + 50} - Adding conditioning back in was a traumatic experience due to my severely crappy state of being today.