After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now taking some time to focus on competing in bodybuilding over the spring of 2017. My nutrition coaching is through Cliff Wilson, and I have not yet determined the shows I'm competing in at this time.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit
Wednesday's training session was packed with volume! I loaded up on the supersets to keep the training intensity moving throughout the whole session and try to get a really good pump. By the time I was done, I felt like my arms and shoulders were going to explode. For reference, this training session barely took more than an hour after a brief warm up. I feel like I'm doing a great job of dialing in some of the details, but it's now just time to keep at it. As the food keeps getting lower, I suspect that I'll need to trim the volume down a bit, but with 270 grams of carbs still, I can keep pushing it for now.
Items Used in this Training Session
Warm Up
Cats & Camels - 10
Quadraped T-Spine Ext - 10 each
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 each
Band Pressdowns - 15
Band Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15
Band Face Pulls - 15
Single Arm Band Fly - 15 each
Band Rows - 15
Band Curls - 15
A1) Neutral Grip DB Bench Press
B1) Incline Press Machine
*Slowly ramped the weights up here*
C1) Decline Press Machine
3x12; then 2 drop sets on the last set
D1) Fly Machine
E1) Cable Rear Delt Flys
E2) Rear Delt Raises
*This was a brutal superset!*
F1) Barbell Front Raises
F2) Lateral Raises
G1) Supinated Pressdowns
G2) Overhead Cable Tricep Extensions
I was just curious on your take on a deload week? Are you planning them into your current conjugate program? Thanks man.
I think there are nothing wrong with deload weeks. I used to program them in at predetermined times, but over time I've gravitated to just taking the down time when I feel I need it. I suspect that I will have some down weeks here and there, especially as my nutrition changes and the calories begin to become less and less. Usually I make this call based upon how PR's are going. If I'm struggling to get close to breaking PR's on movements, that's usually a sign it's time to back off for about a week or so. So in short, no there are none planned, but I do know that I'll need to take them.