After sustaining multiple low back issues the past year, I'm now focusing on being a bench press specialist for the next year or so (both raw and equipped). I'm currently in meet prep for the 2018 XPC Bench Bash on the main stage at the Arnold Expo in Columbus, OH. I'll be competing at 132 in multi-ply on Sunday, March 4th, 2018.

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This particular Thursday evening I got in my extra accessory work for some shoulders and biceps. I need to work on filling out my bench shirt, so I'll need to keep these sessions in for a while. As the meet gears up closer, I'll decrease overall volume and eventually just get rid of the session. But for now, I just got to keep up on the little things.

Items Used in this Training Session

Warm Up
Lateral Raises
DB Overhead Press
Rear Delt Raises
DB Bench Press
DB Flys
DB Skull Crushers
DB Rows
DB Curls
15 each

A1) Reverse Pec Dec

B1) Lateral Raise Machine

C1) Overhead Press Machine
Up to a hard set of 12

D1) Barbell Curls

E1) Preacher Curl Machine
E2) Seated Calves

F1) Hammer Curls
Run the rack down, 30's to 10's