This next series of workouts is going to be progressively more difficult, and stresses every point of the main lifts where I'm weakest!
I talked about this prior when I was doing the sets of volume on the SSB and straight leg deadlifts, but now I'm moving onto the terrible portion of my upper body. Increasing my ROM with a Cambered Bar essentially knocks 100lbs off of my bench press. If you ever want to be humbled, use the McDonald Bar.
A. Cambered Bar Bench Press
By forcing the extra ROM this increases the chest recruitment in the movement, teaches me how to remain tight throughout an even longer ROM, and increases the time under tension for the triceps among other muscles. AKA this is shitty shit and it's hard!
B. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
I swear this is how I look after these high volume chest workouts
C. Chest Supported Row
3 plates x12
3 plates x12
3 plates x12
3 plates x10
3 plates x10
3 plates x8
By maintaining RPE and dropping reps I can milk the movement for as much volume, and as much worth as I can in one session without running myself into the ground by over exerting myself.
D. EliteFTS Band Pushdown
3 sets AMRAP
(Bodybuilders who "chase the pump" for FUN are psychos. Ooof.)
Just building and building. Tom is beating me down and harping on my weak areas so that when I get back to the normal competition bars, I will be stronger than ever. I cannot wait for that time.